Oregon Department of Agriculture State Pesticide Control Act

The State Pesticide Control Act is enforced by the State Department of Agriculture. The purpose of the act is to regulate in the public interest the formation, distribution, storage, transportation, application and use of pesticides. The act includes protocols regarding a pesticide use reporting system that requires users to report the name of the pesticide used, the quantity of pesticide product applied, the purpose and type of site of the application, and the month of the application. (Pesticide Use Reporting System, Section 4) These responsibilities are carried out through the Oregon Department of Agriculture, Department of Environmental Quality, the State Department of Fish and Wildlife, the State Forestry Department, the Oregon Health Authority, the Oregon Health Authority, and the Pesticide Analytical and Response Center. (Pesticide Use Reporting System, Section 6). This act was last updated in 2013.

Oregon Department of Agriculture: About Regulation and Compliance. Chapter 636 – Pesticide Control. New sections of law were enacted by the Legislative Assembly during its 2014 regular session and pertain to or are likely to be compiled in this ORS chapter.